管理会計教室:上埜進(Ueno S.)
 Accounting Research Institute, Japan

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Academic Accounting Associations in the World: 世界の会計関連学会のウェッブ・サイトへのリンクを提供します。

American Accounting Association

Asia-Pacific Management Accounting Association 

British Accounting Association

The British Accounting and Finance Association (BAFA) is the working name of the British Accounting Association which was established in 1947.  It is a UK learned society which brings together those interested in teaching and research in accounting and finance.

BAFA currently has about 750 members, many of whom are employed in UK Higher Educational institutions. Other members include representatives from leading firms of accountants as well as a significant number of private individuals and people based outside the UK .

Canadian Academic Accounting Association

欧州会計学会: European Accounting Association (EAA)

Japan Cost Accounting Association  (JCAA)

: Japanese Management Accounting Association (JMAA)

上埜 進研究室 (上埜進 - Wikipedia)