英語サークル富山, 富山英会話クラブ

English Laboratory, Research Institute, Japan (上埜英語研究室)
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Talking about household chores in English - short dialogues 5.45 min.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SesCepncmJ8  2019/01/07 に公開
Educative video about household chores that helps you enrich your vocabulary with new English words through conversation.

Habits for Keeping a Clean House! My Daily Cleaning Routine  6.34 min.
2016/03/01 に公開
Today I'm showing you the daily habits I follow to keep my house clean - I hope this gives you some cleaning ideas and motivation!


Learn English vocabulary in the BATHROOM (pee, poop, etc.) 10.52 min.
 2014/05/15 に公開

Is there a difference between a BATHROOM and a WASHROOM? Today's English lesson is all about RESTROOM vocabulary! It has many names, and I bet you visit this place many times every day. Let’s make sure you can talk about it properly. Avoid making embarrassing mistakes by learning some very common words.

"Teacher! Teacher! Ronnie! Ronnie! Can I go -- can I go bathroom?" "What? 'Can I go bathroom?' Okay. 'Can I go to the bathroom?' Yes. 'Can I go bathroom?' No. Not in here, please. If you said, "Can I go bathroom", that means that
you are going to pee where you are. Please go to the bathroom or the washroom to pee.

Today's lesson is all about going to the toilet. This thing is called a "plunger". Plunge, plunge, plunge! What do you do with this in the bathroom, you wonder? This is a plunger. What we use this for is in the toilet.

So let's imagine that your friend, your mother, your father, your brother, your sister, or you ate a lot of food last night. And then, you went to the toilet. You took a massive dump. What is a "massive dump"? A "massive dump" is slang. "Take a massive dump." "Massive" means very big, and "dump" -- let me draw it for you -- means
poo. Unchi! Japanese style. So "take a massive dump" means "to have a bowel movement", if you will. Okay? But it's so large that maybe it clogs or plugged the toilet. So that means I cannot flush the toilet. Now, basic bathroom etiquette. Please, when you have finished whatever you're doing in there, please always flush the toilet. There's a little mechanism on the toilet. It's usually a silver color. It's very easy. You press it. All of the water and all of the extra things in the toilet floating here -- maybe you have some poo -- it goes away so that the next person does not have to see what you ate for dinner. I don't want to see that. "Oh, Uncle John had corn last night." Unnecessary for me to see. So please, I beg of you, if you are going to use the toilet, please flush it, okay?

There was a rhyme that I knew -- I still know it. It's called, "If it's yellow, let it mellow. If it's brown, flush it down." I would like to change the poem to say, "Flush the toilet. I don't care what color it is. I don't want to see it." Or you're going to be getting one of these stuck in your face. So rule No. 1: Flush the toilet, okay? With a plunger, you are going to -- as I said -- unclog the plugged toilet.

What happens in a toilet or in a sink is you have a drain, okay? A "drain" is a hole at the bottom where all the water goes into. It goes to Magic Land. Okay? So the sink and the toilet both have a drain, as does your bathtub and your shower. What happens is hair or other debris gets stuck in the drain. So the drain gets clogged or plugged. It basically means that all of this stuff can't go down the pipe, and it backs up. So the water doesn't go down. Dangerous with a toilet. Not as bad with a sink. Acceptable with a bathtub and a shower. All you need to do is plunge it. Make sure it's clean.

Now, what do you do in a sink? Usually,
when you go to the sink, you wash your hands. Rule No. 2: After you go to the toilet, you flush the toilet, okay? Then, it's really, really cool. It's the coolest thing ever that you wash your hands. Especially for men. Guys, what are you touching? What are you doing? I don't want to touch a doorknob that you have touched after you've taken -- sorry. After you've gone to the toilet. You've touched your man part. You did not wash your hand, and then you touched the doorknob. I'm touching your knob, too, okay? Literally. I don't want to touch your knob. Please wash your hands after you flush the toilet. Good.

Another thing that you might find in a bathroom or a washroom is a bathtub, and/or you may have a shower. Now, the difference between a bathtub and a shower, it's very easy. When you have or take a bath, you're going to do it in the bathtub. In the bathtub, you get to lie down. You get to relax. Maybe you have some bubbles. Maybe you have a rubber ducky. That's a duck, okay? I'm an artist. That's a duck.

A shower, it's very small, and you don't have enough room to lie down, so you are going to stand up in the shower, okay? It doesn't matter if you say the verb "take" or "have". So you can say, "I'm going to have a bath. I'm going to take a bath. Or I'm going to have a shower. I'm going to take a shower." The other thing that you can say is -- "shower" is also a verb. So you can say, "I'm going to shower. I'm going to shower." You can't say, "I'm going to bath, or I'm going to bathtub." Because "bathtub" and "bath" -- these guys are only nouns, okay? A shower can be a verb and a noun. English is so confusing sometimes. Even when you're just trying to be clean. I'll help you. Don't worry.


Taking Care of My Teeth! 7.14 min.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Qvo1nIkQnM 2018/04/03 に公開
Open your mouth, look at your teeth! Yes, those pearly little white teeth. Do you know how many teeth you have now, and how many “adults” teeth you will have later? This video will explore basic teeth anatomy, the importance of caring for your teeth and exactly how you can take care of your teeth. Tune in and make sure you are able to answer the 4 quiz questions in the video to pass this little introductory look into teeth. This video was made by McMaster University Demystifying Medicine students Sandra Yousif, Hajer Nakua, Nimi Patel and Nivy Pattathil
 Copyright McMaster University 2018

Oral Health Care and Hygiene: How to Take Care of Your Teeth
5.43 min.
2012/05/03 に公開
Maintaining a healthy mouth is more important than ever! That's why it's imperative to teach your whole family how to lower their risk of health issues such as gum disease, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes with a healthy diet, good oral hygiene, and regular dental checkups.