Kansai-Chubu Region of the Japanese Association of Management Accounting (English)

ホーム ] 2008年全国大会 ] English ] 08.5.31 部会大会 ] 07.11.10部会大会案内 ] 07.7.21部会大会記 ] 06.11.25部会大会記 ] 06.7.1部会大会記 ] 06.3.18部会大会記 ] 部会での報告 ] 部会の組織 ] 学会本部の組織 ] 部会大会のひな形 ] アーカイブズ ] 大会・研究会の記録 ] 世界の会計学会 ] 世界の会計関連機関 ] [ 管理会計関連機関 ]




With a worldwide network of nearly 70,000 professionals, IMA -Institute of Management Accountant- provides a dynamic forum for management accounting and financial professionals to develop and advance their careers through certification, research, practice development education, networking and the advocacy of the highest ethical and professional practices.

CIMA - The Chartered Institute of Management Accountants - is a leading membership body that offers an internationally recognised professional qualification in management accountancy, which focuses on accounting for business.

As an organisation we are committed to constant improvement, and our reputation as a professional and regulatory body has never been stronger. We are increasingly the first choice for students and employers.

CIMA is committed to upholding high ethical and professional standards to maintain public confidence in management accountancy. Our members and students must adhere to CIMA's ethical guidelines, byelaws and regulations. All CIMA's governance activities - overseen by the Council and its committees - underpin the commitment to maintaining the professional standards and competence of our members and students.

In this section you can find out more about CIMA and what we do, our history and governance, why we are different, who we support and our offices around the world.

The Professional Accountants in Business (PAIB) Committee
( http://www.ifac.org/PAIB/) serves IFAC member bodies and the more than one million professional accountants worldwide who work in commerce, industry, the public sector, education, and the not-for-profit sector. Its aim is to enhance the profession by encouraging and facilitating the global development and exchange of knowledge and best practices. It also works to build public awareness of the value of professional accountants. The PAIB Committee was formerly called the Financial and Management Accounting Committee.

    PAIB publishes studies, theme booklets, thought pieces and other documents that address the global concerns of professional accountants in business.

    Recent publications are detailed below. To view the complete list of PAIB publications, go to the IFAC bookstore. All documents may be downloaded at no charge after providing some simple registration information.

    The Diverse Roles of Professional Accountants in Business (2004 Theme Booklet)
    Most members of the public have some perception of the traditional work carried out by accountants, but with regard to those working outside that sphere, they seem unsure. The PAIB Committee produced this publication which includes interviews with 16 senior-level accountants and provides insights into the varied responsibilities of professional accountants in business. Those interviewed expressed common themes about changes in the role of professional accountants in business, including an emphasis on providing strategy and assurance, renewed focus on ethics and corporate integrity, and the importance of continuing education.

    Enterprise Governance: Getting the Balance Right
    The PAIB Committee was asked by the IFAC Board in October 2002 to explore the emerging concept of enterprise governance. This publication, released in February 2004, is the result of that work. Jointly published with the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA), Enterprise Governance looks at the accountability framework of the organization in terms of the balance between corporate governance and value creation. It includes an in-depth analysis of corporate successes and failures in 27 case studies from 10 countries.

    Articles of Merit: 2004
    This international compendium features award-winning articles selected by the PAIB Committee as part of its annual Articles of Merit Award Program for Distinguished Contribution to the field of finance and management. The 2004 publication covers issues confronting professional accountants including the U.S. Sarbanes-Oxley Act, risk management, the finance function, intellectual capital statements, the emergence of a new set of management accounting logic, and accrual accounting in central government.

    Quality of Earnings: A Case Study Collection
    Quality of Earnings: A Case Study was first published by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. The case studies in this publication are designed to put the reader in the seat of executives making decisions that could impact the future of their company, as well as their own and their employees' livelihoods.

    The Role of the Chief Financial Officer in 2010
    This publication features a collection of in-depth interviews with ten CFOs from leading companies throughout the world, who share their views on issues impacting businesses and how these are affecting the future role of the CFO.

 編集 上埜 進研究室   (Prof. & Dr. Susumu Ueno) 

最終更新日 :2016/05/19