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Asia-Pacific Management Accounting Association


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Updated on November 5, 2024

 Quality Control Committee Meeting

APMAA Annual Conference Policy and Mission

APMAA is a “members-first” organization, and our annual conferences are the central platform that brings together our members. All members are potential contributors and key participants in these conferences.

It is the responsibility of every conference organizer to design programs and schedules that are "of the members," "by the members," and "for the members." Academic Paper sessions should be the heart of all APMAA conferences. This principle is a cornerstone of our policy and a key expectation set by the Board for all conference organizers.

As an international academic association based in Asia, one of APMAA's key missions is to provide regional researchers with an accessible platform to share their research with colleagues from around the world. Our reviewers do more than simply assess the quality of submissions, as seen in other established conferences like those organized by the AAA; we also serve as facilitators, helping to develop each other’s research competence. This collaborative approach is central to APMAA's mission.

Rationale for Introducing a Quality Control Function

We have observed significant variability in the quality of papers submitted to APMAA’s parallel sessions, ranging from exceptional work that could be published in top-tier academic journals, to papers with considerable deficiencies in both content and writing style.

To ensure that the research presented at our annual conferences is honest, accurate, and reliable, APMAA must implement effective quality control. However, each year, conference organizing teams and paper review teams (local scientific committees) vary in experience, skill level, and commitment. To address this, APMAA established the “Scientific Committee at Headquarters” in 2018, which was later reorganized into the Quality Control Committee in 2020. This committee plays a vital role in both pre- and post-conference audits to uphold the quality of the proceedings.

Reorganization of the Scientific Committee into the Quality Control Committee

The Scientific Committee at Headquarters was initially created to assist local conference teams in maintaining the integrity and reliability of the manuscripts included in the proceedings. In 2020, this committee was restructured into the Quality Control Committee, with an expanded role that includes conducting annual audits before and after each conference.

The Quality Control Committee is tasked with ensuring that conference programs and schedules align with APMAA’s mission and policies. The APMAA Board requests that all conference organizers use the Model Program and Schedule developed on December 11, 2019, as a framework. This model was created to ensure consistency and alignment with APMAA’s conference policy, which has been a key element in maintaining uniformity across conferences and organizing teams.

Auditing Role of the Quality Control Committee

The Quality Control Committee's audit functions focus on:

  1. Appropriateness of the conference program and schedule in alignment with APMAA's policy and mission.
  2. Appropriateness of the local organizing team’s structure and function.

All approved conference organizing teams are required to submit their conference plans and supporting materials to the Quality Control Committee upon request. The committee then reviews the materials and reports back to the Board Chair with a brief audit report. Additionally, the committee provides support in preparing for the “Next Conference Organizers Meeting.”

Expectations for Conference Organizing Teams

Conference organizing team Chairs are expected to report on their progress regularly to the Board Chair. Any official releases or publications using the APMAA name must receive prior approval from the Board Chair. This system has been instrumental in building and maintaining trust within the academic community, and it has been a key driver of APMAA’s growth over the past decade.

2020 Quality Control Committee
Representative director
President and vice presidents
: Chairs and key members of conference organizing teams (APMAA 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023)

 (note 1)
Academic Paper sessions
 (20 min. presentation, 10 min. discussion, 5 min. Q&A) 
Doctoral Colloquium Paper Sessions (15 min. presentation, 10 min. discussion, 5 min. Q&A) 


To the forthcoming conference organizers

Message from the Board Chair to Conference Organizers

The APMAA Annual Conference is the heart of our organization. For our members, participating and presenting at the conference is a rewarding experience that creates lasting memories. Each year, the APMAA Board nominates the cohosting institutions and appoints the head of the local conference organizing team. While the head is entrusted with significant authority to lead the conference preparations, the ultimate responsibility for planning, organizing, and promoting the conference rests with the APMAA Board.

The appointed conference team head are expected to collaborate closely with the Board in designing and developing the framework for the conference. Academic Paper Sessions should remain the focal point of all APMAA conferences, and the Board strongly recommends using the APMAA 2018 and/or 2019 conference programs and schedules as base templates. This ensures continuity and consistency across conferences, maintaining the integrity of APMAA’s mission over time.

Regular Progress Reports and Approvals
Local Conference team head is expected to report on their progress regularly to the Board Chair. Any official communications or publications using the APMAA name must receive prior approval from the Board Chair. This process has been essential in fostering trust within the academic community and has played a key role in APMAA’s growth over the past decade.

Orientation for Future Organizing Teams
I encourage all future conference organizing teams to visit the APMAA Homepage as soon as possible to familiarize themselves with the association's philosophy, vision, activities, rules, regulations, and history. Understanding APMAA's foundational principles is critical to successfully carrying out the conference’s objectives.

Request for Conference News Drafts and Board Nominations
For the 2021, 2022, and 2023 conference organizers (Jakarta, Bangkok, and Xi’an), I ask that you bring a rough draft of the first issue of the "APMAA Conference News" to the 2020 Board Meeting, as well as the Next Conference Organizers Meeting, where key members of the conference organizing teams, headquarters, and the Board will meet. Face-to-face communication among all stakeholders is essential to ensure the success of the conference.

 (APMAA Chair Susumu Ueno. November 15, 2019)

 (note 1)

Academic Paper sessions (20 min. presentation, 10 min. discussion, 5 min. Q&A) 
Doctoral Colloquium Paper Sessions (15 min. presentation, 10 min. discussion, 5 min. Q&A) 





Conference Procedures and Rules


  Call for Papers for APMAA 2022 (draft),  uploaded on November 15, 2021
Guideline for Presenters, Moderators, and Discussants (APMAA 2022) ,  uploaded on November 15, 2021

  Guideline for 2021 Conference Paper Revewers (APMAA 2022 draft),  uploaded on November 15, 2021

  Instructions for Preparing the APMAA Proceedings Paper (APMAA 2021),  uploaded on November 15, 2021


   Guidance for the APMAA 2022 annual conference organizers,  uploaded on April 23, 2021
Conference News: March 30, 2021 (Official Guide to APMAA 2021 Parallel Sessions), uploaded on May 13, 2021


  Model APMAA Annual Conference, edited on June 19, 2016, uploaded on July 17, 2016

   Parallel Session Schedule & Moderator Guidlines APMAA2015, uploaded on July 17, 2016
   What is APMAA Doctoral Colloquium. June 15. 2016
, uploaded on July 17, 2016 

  Conference Management Toolkit (CMT), uploaded on July 17, 2016

   Format for Proceedings Paper (2013 APMAA. CMT),  uploaded on July 17, 2016


  Past Conference Registration Fee and Hotel (2014-2010), uploaded on February 7, 2015

Guidelines for an APMAA Annual Conference

               Published and effective on March 28, 2011                       

                        Reviewed on November 16, 2014


This is a manuscript that provides Guidelines for an APMAA Annual Conference to future conference host schools. 

Applying Annual Conference, and Determining a Venue and Date
1. A school/university that wants to host an annual conference must send its proposal of intent to all  APMAA representative directors and president at least 3 years before the planned conference date. The proposal includes a conference objective and its theme, a conference and doctoral colloquium schedules, hotel and accommodations, transportation, budget simulations, a name list of conference organizing team etc. 

2. The host and venue of the forthcoming Conference should be announced 24 months before the conference date.

3. Conference Date should be determined by 13 months before the conference.

 Conference Homepage opened and APMAA NEWS Special Issues (Conference News) edited by the host school

Please refer to http://apmaa2014.acc.chula.ac.th/Programme.aspx for sample structure 

Contents and Structure

Home: Welcome to the APMAA 2014 in Bangkok, Thailand

Latest News

Call for Papers

Important Dates

Conference Venue
Conference Organizers
Doctoral Colloquium

Paper Submissions

Conference Registration (Fee, Payment Methods)

Accommodation and Transportation

 Call for Papers, CMT and Programs

  1. Call for Papers Announcement

First announcement on APMAA Website and APMAA News should be 12 months before conference date. All local APMAA members should disseminate the announcement either through local mailing lists, local conferences, local professional journals or AIB-L (is brought to you by the Academy of International Business: For information: http://aib.msu.edu/community/aib-l.asp. To post message: aib-l@list.msu.edu), etc.

2. Conference CMT should be opened 10 month before the conference.

The use of Conference CMT is highly recommended.  Both primary and secondary subject areas in Concurrent track should be carefully developed so that it could facilitate to classify accepted papers into groups, and assign discussants and moderators effectively. The CMT site that is developed carefully makes it easy to administer a conference program too). 

Conference Management Toolkit (CMT)

3. Submission Due Date for First Full-papers is set at 5 months before the conference date. Acceptance and Rejection Notice should be sent 4 months before the conference date.. 

4. Submission Due Date for Proceedings paper is set at 3 months before the conference date.  

5. First Draft for Conference Program should be completed by 2 months before the conference date by the host/hostess in charge of annual conference. The draft should immediately be sent to Chair of the Board of Directors, President and Vice-presidents. The Tentative Conference Program should be uploaded on conference web-site two months before the conference date and be updated every one week. A note should be emailed timely to presenters, discussants and moderators to solicit their confirmation of the program and also encourage an early payment of the conference fees. Notice them that their name will be deleted from the tentative program if full payment of the conference fees will not be completed by three weeks before the conference.

7. Hard bound Conference Program, Abstract Book and Participant List, and USB Proceedings should be distributed to all conference participants. 

Model APMAA Annual Conference, edited on June 19, 2016

This file provides an instruction about how to prepare an annual conference as a conference host. It includes a model for program outlook and others. In addition to visiting past APMAA conference pages in this websites, please refer to this file when you will organize an APMAA conference as a host (Note).

Note: We provides an updated annual conference model in  http://s-ueno.sakura.ne.jp/APMAA_2018_Tokyo/Conference%20Program_.htm. The page shows the latest model of program and schedule for APMAA annual conference.

Parallel sessions (15 min. presentation, 10 min. discussion, 5 min. Q&A) 
Doctoral Colloquium (20 min. presentation, 15 min. discussion, 5 min. Q&A) 


Conference Participation Fee and Membership Fee

1. Participation Fee is $300. The fee ($300) comprises a Conference Fee and an APMAA Membership[N1]  fee ($30-50, up to host school’s decision) that assigned to finance APMAA operation costs. 
   Past Conference Registration Fee and Hotel (2014-2010)  

Credit card payment, Bank payment and Cash payment.

The advance payment (this payment is non-refundable) must be paid in the full amount (Participation Fee: USD300; Student Participation Fee: USD 150) by 30 September.

(International Participants) Please let us know your payment by email (at conference chair) immediately after you finish your bank transfer procedure with the information on Name (First/given, middle, and last/family), Title, Institutional Affiliation, Country and Email. The information is used to develop Name badge and a Participants' list for the conference. We cannot identify you if you fail to send us the message. Also please bring a copy of your bank payment at the conference registration desk. 
The Organizer of the APMAA Annual conference will send letters of invitation only to the participants who completed full payment
by 30 September upon request

On-site payment
If you pay on site, you are required to pay USD 400 cash (for student; USD 200 cash).