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Updated on September 10, 2018
Instructions for preparing
and submitting proceedings (camera
ready) papers
Please read the instruction carefully before submitting your
proceedings paper
(camera-ready paper). Note that your manuscript may be returned if
it is not edited according to the required format. The
submission deadline of your proceedings paper is September 15,
2018. A sample proceedings paper is shown in the appendix.
Note that the
file you submit to the camera-ready column of
the CMT appears in the Abstract Book and USB
proceedings with no editing.
Please feel free to contact
Susumu Ueno (ueno@konan-u.ac.jp)
you have any questions. |
Camera-ready submission for accepted
After receiving the acceptance notification, what you should do
first is to visit APMAA 2018 in Tokyo homepage,
Since you are requested a camera-ready paper (proceedings
paper), edit your camera-ready paper by following the
requested format described at
Then, submit it to the camera-ready column in
the CMT.
How to Submit the camera ready paper
Please log in as an "Author". Then, you will find the list of
your papers. You will see the link to
submit the camera-ready paper in the
last column of the accepted paper.
Step 1: Click on the Edit Camera Ready submission link at the
Actions column
Step 2: Make changes as you wish to the
Edit Camera Ready Submission page and
upload a new file at the below box that
reads Drop files here or Upload from
Computer, then click Save changes.
Step 3: The Camera Ready Submission
summary will appear. The author may
continue either edit the camera ready
submission at this stage or back to
Author Console. If there are no changes
required, this is the final step of the
Camera Ready Submission.
Camera Ready Copy
Submission Instruction.pdf
Also prepare for your presentation.
Full-guidelines for
Presenters, Moderators and Discussants
are provided at http://s-ueno.sakura.ne.jp/APMAA_2018_Tokyo/Guidelines%20for%20Discussants%20and%20Presenters_.htm.
All presenters are assigned the role to discuss one
paper presented in his/her session. The session
chair role is usually assigned to one of the
presenters in the session. |
proceedings paper
format |
1. Margins should be at least one inch from top, bottom,
and sides.
2. Paper ID should be placed 2 lines lower than the top
margin of the page.
3. Paper titles should be placed 3 lines lower than the
top margin of the page.
Titles should be concise and should describe the content of the
The point size for the title is 14 bold with single line space.
should be placed with two-line space below the title. Authors’
affiliations should be placed below each author names.
5. An abstract should be around 200-300 words.
6. Text should be 5,000-10,000 words.
The paper must be written in the best possible technical and
grammatical English.
7. About five keywords should be placed with one-line
space below the abstract.
8. All manuscripts should be formatted using 12-point font
(Times New Roman). The text should be single-spaced. * If
your text contains complicated mathematical expressions or
chemical formula, you may need to increase the line spacing to
fit them properly.
The abstract and the references should be single-spaced.
* Using single spacing for the
proceedings paper will improve readability and make
formatting the proceedings easier. Additionally, it will
reduce the amount of paper used. |
Major section headings, including the abstract, major
sections (1, 2, 3, …), references, and acknowledgements,
should be upper case and bold.
Sub-section headings (e.g., 2.1, 2.2, 2.2.1,…)
should be lower case, italic with first letter in upper
Titles and (sub)section headings should never
have a full stop (period) at the end.
10. Make sure that placing and numbering of equations are
consistent throughout your manuscript with the same style of
your text. Leave one extra line space above and below the
equation. |
Reference List
1. Arrange citations in alphabetical order according to surname
of the first author or the name of the institution responsible
for the citation. Multiple works by the same author (s) should be
listed in chronological order of publication.
2. Dates of publication should be placed immediately after
authors’ names. |
sample proceedings paper (a
sample for formatting only