ホーム Research Institute Japan 上埜進活動記 上埜進の社会活動 上埜のプロフィール Ueno's curriculum vitae 研究論文 学会報告 多国籍企業委員会 『日系多国籍企業管理会計』 SAJ研究会 平生助成金Project 日本管理会計学会全国大会 管理会計学会関西中部部会 著書(市販本) 編著『管理会計の基礎』 編著『原価計算の基礎』 甲南大学紹介Konan U. 甲南大学院社会科学研究科 甲南大学院ゼミOB 甲南会計大学院講義 甲南大学学部講義 甲南大学上埜ゼミ演習 上埜ゼミの旅行・コンパ 立命館会計大学院講義 関西学院大学大学院講義 愛知学院大学院講義 金沢大学(原価計算)講義 岡山大学(会計情報論)講義 2011.3 Indonesia Vist 2011.2 Malyasia Vist 2010.3 Sweden Visit 2010.11 Taiwan Visit 2010.7 US.Visit (AAA) 2010.6 台北訪問 2009.8 US. Visit 2008.12 北京訪問 2008.11 台北訪問 2008.8 US. Visit (AAA) 2008.2 Canada Visit 2007.8 US. Visit (AAA) 2007.7 China Visit(APMAA) 2006.10台北訪問 2006.8 US. Visit (AAA, DC) 2006.1 US. Visit Clearwater 2005.8 US. Visit 西海岸 2002. 4/1-4/14 ネブラスカ便り 2002. 4/15-4/30 ネブラスカ便り 2002. 5/1-5/12 ネブラスカ便り 2002. 5/13-5/31 ネブラスカ便り 2002. 6/1-6/15 ネブラスカ便り 2002. 6/16-6/30 ネブラスカ便り 2002..7/1-7/15 ネブラスカ便り 2002. 7/16-7/31 ネブラスカ便り 2002. 8/1-8/31 ネブラスカ便り 2002. 9/1-9/19 ネブラスカ便り 2002.1 US Visit: Austin 2000.2 US Visit(B-Schools) 2001 Chapel Hill滞在(AAA) 2001.2 US Visit (B-School) 1999.3 US Visit(B-Schools) 1999.2 US Visit (Internship) 1998.2 Malyasia (平生基金) 1990.6 Taiwan (中山大学)

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Research Institute, Japan
Ueno's Office)
Campus Toyama (キャンパス冨山, 冨山市新庄町3-7-47)
に立地するシンクタンク、Management and Accounting Research Institute, Japan
Management Accounting Association (APMAA, アジア太平洋管理会計学会) の代表 (Chair of
the Board of Directors)
をしております。専門領域は管理会計、原価計算、多国籍企業経営管理論、比較文化論、科学哲学(Philosophy of
Science)、研究方法論(Research Methodology)で、現在も、内外の有力学術ジャーナルの編集にかかわっています。
なお、最近の研究・関心領域は、会計領域におけるDigital technologyの利用、統合報告などの企業の情報開示(Corporate
Disclosure)、社外取締役・社外監査役の制度を含むCorporate Governanceです。Research Institute, Japan 上埜進研究室では、経済・経営・会計に関する学術的な取り組み
(Dr Prof Susumu Ueno)
930-0992 富山市新庄町3-7-47
(Mobile) 080-6130-3083

Institute, Japan (March, 2015) |

Garden of the institute (June, 2015) |
21, 2021) |

Susumu Ueno
(1946-, 上埜進)
is currently the
Chair of Board of Directors of the
Asia-Pacific Management
Accounting Association
(APMAA) and the Chief Editor of
Asia Pacific Management Accounting Journal
He is the APMAA
President from Jan. 2010 to Dec. 2013. As a member of the
Association of Management Accounting (JAMA), he is
the past Vice President (2008-2011) and has been the Executive Director
since 2002. From
April 2014, he is the Editor-in-Chief of The Journal of Management
Accounting, Japan (管理会計学) published by JAMA.
Ueno is the author of several accounting books:
Management Accounting; The Quest for Value, 4th Edition (Zeimu-keiri
Kyokai, 2008); Budget Control Practices among U.S. and Japanese
Companies; Cross-cultural Approach (Moriyama-Shyoten,
1997 and 1993). He is the editor and coauthor of many books. Ueno has published his
research in various journals, including The Journal of International
Business Studies, Asia-Pacific Management Accounting Journal, The International Journal of Accounting, Accounting (Kai-kei),
The Journal of Cost Accounting Research (issued by Japan Cost Accounting Association),
and etc.
Doctor Ueno, Professor Emeritus
Konan University,
Japan, received his
MBA from
University of Maryland and his DBA from the
Southern Illinois University.
Japanese Association of Management Accounting honored Professor Susumu
Ueno with the
Special Award on
September 12, 2014. This award was given in recognition of
his contributions to both research and education and his history of
service to the academic community. The award has only been presented to
highly exceptional individuals, and Professor Ueno is the 13th award
recipient since the association’s foundation of July 1991.
Dr. Susumu Ueno
Emeritus, Konan University, Japan
Chair of the Board of Directors, Asia-Pacific Management Accounting
SSRN Top 1,000 International Business Schools (米国を除く
ダウンロードされた論文数による経営系研究機関の順位 (2017年12月1日現在) |
米国機関を除いての世界順位 |
国内順位 |
研究機関名 |
446 |
1 |
Kobe University -
Graduate School of Business Administration :: Japan (論文著者総数21名) |
510 |
2 |
Hokkaido University
- Graduate School of Economics & Business Administration ::
Japan(論文著者総数15名) |
562 |
3 |
University - Graduate School of Commerce and Management ::
Japan(論文著者総数16名) |
622 |
4 |
Management and Accounting Research
Institute, Japan :: Japan(論文著者総数1名:
上埜 進) |
Chair of the Board of Directors,
Asia-Pacific Management Accounting
View Dr. Ueno's research on
his Author pages below:
Susumu Ueno on Google Scholar
Susumu Ueno (上埜進)